All Vendors must complete the New Vendor Signup form below:
https://butlerfleamarket.fillout.com/NewVendorSignupAll Vendors must be paid in full prior to setting up to vend on Sundays
The building & restaurant are open from 8a - 2p
We are open EVERY Sunday, except Easter
All vendors are required to be compliant with ALL rules, laws, and regulations.
Vendors are welcome to just show up 8a, check in & pay, and then vend, reservations are not required
Reservations are ONLY held until 8a
No refunds
Be nice and friendly
From May 1st until Thanksgiving
Building opens at 7a
Outdoor vendor check 6a-8a
Outdoor vendor booths can be reserved
Summer Hours
From Thanksgiving until April 30th
Building opens at 8a
Outdoor vendor check 7a-8a
Outdoor vendor booths are ONLY available 1st come, 1st serve